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Dear Visitor,

MaineTransNet is a volunteer run non-profit organization. We host monthly support meetings for trans Mainers and their allies in Portland and Bangor, and lead and participate in educational workshops for health professionals, students, and community members. MTN is also a partner in planning local and statewide events, such as the Transgender Day of Remembrance, Pride, and educational conferences.

Last year, over a hundred trans and allied individuals attended our support groups. Qualified educators from MTN facilitated over twenty workshops and trainings and provided their expertise to organizations, providers, and educational staff in thirteen of the sixteen counties in Maine. As a non-profit organization with the mission of increasing public knowledge about gender identity and providing support to the trans community, we rely on the support of donations and volunteers.

The sustainability of MaineTransNet and the work that we do across the state requires your help. Our operating costs include travel, print media, event permits, training and conference fees for facilitators, and necessary supplies. Please make a tax deductible donation today through Paypal by clicking the donate button below or at the top of the page, or by mailing a check to Maine Transgender Network, Inc., PO Box 1034, Westbrook, ME 04098 to ensure that MaineTransNet will continue to provide these essential services.

Many Thanks,
-The Maine TransNet Team-